Reseller Store Locator

Find Retailers Near You

To locate Ruff Tuff resellers with brick-and-mortar locations near you, choose a state from the list. Note that this list doesn’t include web-only automotive and outdoor retailers, including major national chains who sell Ruff Tuff products online but not at their retail locations.

About the List

This list is a free service provided to resellers by Ruff Tuff Products. It is based on the best information currently available to Ruff Tuff. Accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. If you’re a reseller and you’re not on the list, or you want to add to or change your listing, or you’d prefer not to be listed, please e-mail the details to with the subject line “retail location.”

Information we can display, if we have it, for each physical retail location includes:

  • company name
  • street address
  • up to two phone numbers
  • an e-mail address if desired
  • a web link pointing to your company website
  • an additional note if you install Ruff Tuff seat covers (with or without an additional charge)
  • a brief note with other useful information as needed, such as, for example, “Fleets only” or “UTVs only.”

We do not post promotional information in this list. We limit the list to retail locations.

If you’re not a Ruff Tuff reseller but you’d like to be, we have pages for that: Role of Resellers and Become a Reseller. Tips and other resources for resellers are also available in the main menu under “Resellers”.